Covid-19 Policy
Please read before you attend class.
COVID-19 Infection control Policy
We are implementing the following measures for your safety and to help reduce the risks of COVID-19 in classes. This information will be updated in line with government guidance.
Watch For Symptoms
Aside from fever, COVID-19 symptoms include cough, difficulty breathing and fatigue. If you become unwell you must not attend Class. Please contact me immediately. If you test positive for coronavirus I will need to notify the other members of your group immediately.
Practice Social Distancing
Please arrive a maximum of 5 minutes before your class time. Please adhere to social distancing, This includes responsibility for your baby. Please limit the amount of personal belongings your bring to class. Class sizes are now limited inline with government guidance.
Wash your Hands
Please use the hand sanitiser provided when you enter and leave the building .
No Equipment sharing
As far as possible we won’t be sharing equipment. I will provide mats, please bring your own blanket and pillow as this is good for tummy time.
Cleaning Procedure
We already had a strict cleaning procedure pre COVID-19 but will be allowing more time to clean and disinfect equipment used in classes. All props, equipment, toilet facilities and frequently touched areas such as door handles will be cleaned before and after every class. All cleaning will be logged in a cleaning checklist.
Thank You for taking time to read, I look forward to welcoming you to classes.