Pregnancy Yoga & Relaxation
Suitable from 12 weeks of pregnancy.
Pregnancy Yoga focuses on relaxation, adapted yoga poses to help stretch & strengthen your body aswell as pelvic floor awareness. Sessions incorporate poses & breathing techniques to help during birth & labour. No previous yoga experience is needed.
Some of the Benefits of Pregnancy Yoga
Ease aches & pains.
Improve sleep.
Alleviate common pregnancy conditions.
Help to decrease stress and anxiety.
Feel more prepared for birth & labour.
Increase the strength, flexibility & endurance of muscles for birth & labour.
Grow With Me (Includes all of my original classes over 15weeks)
Baby Massage | Tummy Time | Baby Yoga
Suitable for babies under 15 weeks on the first week.
15 weeks of baby classes that grow with you and your baby. Stay with the same group of Mums and Babies for 15weeks.
Starts with Baby Massage, enjoy baby reflexogly & Tummy Time along the way & finish with baby yoga. Includes postnatal yoga stretches & relaxation.
Meet new friends and enjoy getting to know each other. Nattering is a must and lots of support available.
Enjoy longer sessions, hot drinks & biscuits, footprint memories, the option to get baby weighed & Infant Feeding, 4th trimester & ongoing support
Some of the benefit of Grow with me .
Improve symptoms of wind, colic, reflux & constipation.
Supports Brain developments.
Improves sleep for both you & baby.
Sooth & calm your baby.
Helps to relax both baby and parent.
Sooth & calm your baby.
Reduce risk of postnatal depression
Gain support from a neonatal, infant feeding & paediatric nurse.
Helps to decrease stress and anxiety.
Baby Massage
This class now runs as part of Grow With ME
Baby Massage focuses on bonding and attachment, positive touch and socialising. Each session we learn how to massage a different part of your babies body gradually building up to a full body massage by your last session. Weekly handouts are included to aid practice at home, organic massage oil and a certificate. We enjoy time at the end of every session chatting , sharing experiences or you can gain any advice or support you need whilst enjoying a hot drink & biscuits.
Some of the benefit of Baby Massage
Improve symptoms of wind, colic, reflux & constipation.
Supports Brain developments.
Helps baby sleep better & longer.
Supports bonding & attachment
Sooth & calm your baby.
Reduced risk of postnatal depression.
Help to relax both baby and parent.
Tummy Time Nurture & play
This class now runs as part of Grow With Me
Tummy Time is a Position for Play.
We use nurturing touch, positive positions, & play ideas to help babies feel confident & enjoy tummy
Tummy Time helps babies spines, supporting the curves of the spine, helps to prevents flat head syndrome, builds & strengthens muscles in the neck, back and tummy as well as shoulder stability for head control and motor skill development. Tummy Time also aids digestion reducing symptoms of colic, reflux & wind. Sessions also include time for babies & parents to interact whilst enjoying a hot drink & biscuits.
Some of the benefit of Tummy Time;
AIds digestion and strengthens babies digestive systems
Supports cognitive skills, problem solving skills and visual perceptual skills
A position for loving interactive play.
Strengthens babies head, neck and shoulders.
Helps decrease stress & anxiety.
Baby Yoga
This class is now part of Grow With Me
Baby Yoga focuses on relaxtion, fun movement and stretches for both you and baby, incorporating songs, play, massage and yoga inspired moves all to support development. Sessions support, positive touch, bonding & socialising. Learn relaxation & breathing techniques for yourself too. At the end of every session babies can enjoy a differnt sensory play time each week whilst mums chat with a hot drink & biscuits.
Some of the Benefits of Baby Yoga
Can help boost baby’s immune system.
Improves symptoms of wind, colic, reflux & constipation.
Relaxes both the parent & baby
Helps to decrease stress and anxiety.
Enhances loving communication & bonding with nurturing stimulation.
Postnatal Yoga & Relaxation - Workshops Coming soon
Suitable after your postnatal check
Postnatal Yoga focuses on gentle stretching & releasing achy muscles, whilst restoring the core & strengthening the pelvic floor. Relaxation & breathing techniques are used to help you relax and take some time for you.
(The best time for postnatal yoga following birth is 6 weeks post vaginal birth & 10-12 weeks post abdominal birth, until your ready to move to a general yoga class)
Some of the Benefits of Postnatal Yoga
Ease aches & pains.
Improve posture.
Strengthen the pelvic floor.
Helps to decrease stress and anxiety.
Improve sleep.
Supports relaxation.
Postnatal Yoga & Relaxation - Workshops Coming soon
Suitable after your postnatal check
Postnatal Yoga focuses on gentle stretching & releasing achy muscles, whilst restoring the core & strengthening the pelvic floor. Relaxation & breathing techniques are used to help you relax and take some time for you.
(The best time for postnatal yoga following birth is 6 weeks post vaginal birth & 10-12 weeks post abdominal birth, until your ready to move to a general yoga class)
Some of the Benefits of Postnatal Yoga
Ease aches & pains.
Improve posture.
Strengthen the pelvic floor.
Helps to decrease stress and anxiety.
Improve sleep.
Supports relaxation.
Classes, Workshops & Appointments are held at either
The Nest
103 Walmesley Road, Eccleston, St Helens, Wa10 5JW
Pitter Patter Clinic
35 Lynton Way, Windle, St Helens, WA10 6EQ
Bookings can be made using the 'Book' page, if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch via email or social media.
Classes are bookable as terms, occasionally breaking for school holidays.
I now offer a mixture of face to face, live online & recorded hub content.
Venue Details

The Nest
103 Walmesley Road,
St Helens,
WA10 5JW